A social enterprise bridges the gap between students and employers to enable project-based learning and enhance student outcomes

Case Study


A social enterprise that helps bring students and employers together to collaborate on real-life projects. The startup offers students a doorway to upskill by choosing projects from diverse sectors. It also gives employers access to a pool of talent from a wide range of universities.

Industry: Non-Profit

Location: Boston, Massachusetts

Solution: Plug-n-Play

The Need

As a startup all fired up with exciting ideas, it wanted to connect, communicate, and promote student achievement as well as ensure workforce development.It wanted a platform that was reliable and secure and helped benchmark expertise across roles and domains with robust assessments, learning paths, and training modules.

The Challenge

An end-to-end solution that works across devices, regions, and time zones was crucial for the company to offer a full suite of features and functionality to users. While transforming at scale, the company also wanted to build and strengthen the education value chain. The insight was to create opportunities for all through skills and technology.

The Solution

SimpliAssess offered the perfect solution to alleviate all their problems and give them the power they wanted through its API-based platform. A cloud-based solution, it offered the company a smart way to manage the specific needs of both employers and students irrespective of their location.

Key Benefits

Enhanced quality criteria


Fair assessment is a critical step in quality education. SimpliAssess helped the company deliver tailored solutions with assessments that support adaptive learning.

Higher proactivity for self-assessment


Learning becomes easier when there is a willingness to self-assess from time to time and make amends based on feedback. SimpliAssess helped the company create intuitive self-assessment tests that changed the way students felt about learning. Real-time feedback and scoring positively impacted learner performance and paved the path for future learning.

Rapid Implementation​


There were no hidden costs since the platform was ready-to-use. With an aggressive timeline for introducing their assessment products into the market, the company saw SimpliAssess as a clear winner in their build versus buy dilemma.

Quick Integration


SimpliAssess was easily adapted to its existing platform, further enhancing the learning environment. In spite of the top-of-the-line support, the intuitiveness of the API-driven platform cut down the launch time considerably.

A diverse portfolio with value-added services


A data-rich environment has helped them introduce personalized training programs and e-learning modules along with interactive assessments. With a robust portfolio of lesson planning tools, curriculum tools, and engagement tools, the company is thoroughly reaping the benefits of SimpliAssess' tech-enhanced offerings for value addition.

Granular assessment


With the headless assessment engine working in the background, it is easier for the company to generate reports and tests to offer personalized training along with targeted feedback.