LMS company enhance its Assessment Feature with SimpliAssess API Integration

Case Study


The client is a leading Learning Management System company that is committed to redefining capability development and training for organizations. To further its expansion goals, the company is keen on modernizing its platform to address the needs of clients looking to scale their tests across multiple device and channels.

Industry: LMS Provider

Location: Orlando, Florida

Solution: API Integration

The Need

The client was looking to modernize its assessment feature, to deliver greater test agility and boost learner experience.

The Challenge

The LMS sector is evolving at a phenomenal pace. The competition is stiff and LMS providers are constantly being threatened by the arrival of newer technologies and modernized systems. The client wanted to modernize its learning management system with the right tech support to ensure rapid deployment of innovative and advanced assessment features.

The Solution

Together with SimpliAssess, the client started a feature upgrade journey with a focus on helping its clients simplify the test creation and delivery processes across platforms, boosting the client’s LMS experience for its customers.SimpliAssess an API-driven platform helped the client unlock new test features instantly without spending time on development.It optimized the LMS’s assessment feature to render formative and summative assessments effectively. With headless online assessment as one of its key features, the company is seeing a myriad of benefits.

Key Benefits



Built on API first approach SimpliAssess was easy to integrate and quick to deploy, helping the company take its new offerings to the market almost immediately.

Reliable Test Delivery


SimpliAssess ensured that the test data remained secure at all times and enabled course administrators and learners to securely access test content.

Enhanced User Experience


Built on a Headless architecture SimpliAssess helped create a central test hub that helped the client eliminate silos, resulting in enhanced user experiences, improved test security and systematic test delivery across platforms.