SimpliAssess's Diversified Assessment Capability: Case Study in Professional Services Excellence

Case Study

The Client

As a global leader in Professional services, the client has consistently set the bar high, demonstrating a commitment to superior service delivery, forward-thinking strategies, and a dedication to nurturing the full potential of its workforce. In its journey towards enhancing its organizational development the client was looking for a cutting-edge assessment platform to address critical challenges and unlock new horizons for talent management, leadership development, and global growth.

Industry: Professional Services

Location: Global

Size: Fortune 500

The Challenge

The client, a global leader in the professional services industry, faced several challenges in their quest to assess and develop their workforce effectively. Their primary challenges included:

Assessment Diversification: The client needed a comprehensive assessment tool to evaluate their employees’ personality traits, communication styles, and emotional intelligence. This was crucial for enhancing teamwork, leadership, and overall organizational performance.

Online Assessment Delivery: With a geographically dispersed workforce, the client required an online platform capable of delivering a wide range of assessments securely and efficiently. Ensuring accessibility and data privacy was paramount.

Data Integration: The client sought a solution that seamlessly integrated assessment data with their existing HR systems, providing valuable insights for talent management and succession planning.

The Solution

SimpliAssess, a leading assessment platform, partnered with the client to address their unique challenges comprehensively. The solution included:

Assessment Variety: SimpliAssess helped meet the need for diverse assessments, including 180-360 degree feedback, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), the DiSC Personality Assessment, and Emotional Quotient (EQi2.0) among others. This variety allowed the client to tailor assessments to specific organizational needs.

Secure Online Delivery: SimpliAssess provided a secure, user-friendly online platform for administering assessments to employees, ensuring data privacy and accessibility regardless of their geographical location.

Integration Capabilities: SimpliAssess seamlessly integrated with the client’s existing HR systems, allowing for real-time data synchronization. This integration empowered HR professionals to make data-driven decisions and track employees’ development over time.

Key Benefits

Improved Employee Understanding


With SimpliAssess's diverse assessments, the client gained deeper insights into employee personalities, communication styles, and emotional intelligence. This understanding fostered more effective teamwork and leadership development.

Enhanced Global Accessibility


SimpliAssess's online platform enabled the client to assess employees’ worldwide, promoting inclusivity and consistency in assessment processes.

Data-Driven Decision-Making


By integrating assessment data into their HR systems, the client achieved greater alignment between talent management and organizational goals. This data-driven approach improved talent retention and succession planning.

Time and Cost Efficiency


SimpliAssess's streamlined assessment delivery and integration reduced administrative burdens and costs associated with assessment processes.

In partnership with SimpliAssess, the client successfully transformed their employee development initiatives. By leveraging a diverse range of assessments, ensuring secure online delivery, and integrating assessment data, the client not only overcame their challenges but also positioned themselves as a forward-thinking leader in organizational development within the professional services industry.